
Friday, June 30, 2017

Caen Day 20

I am so tired. I woke up at 6:00 AM this morning. Stupid internal clock.

I got up and had breakfast with Colette for one last time: English Breakfast tea, bread and butter, and apricots. I don't think I've eaten so many apricots in my entire life.

Another thing that I had a lot of here in Caen: juice. Especially orange juice. I just don't drink it that often. But that changed here in France, because I'm always offered juice. And Colette only buys orange and way am I going to tolerate grapefruit. Orange it is. And I like the brand here in France better than the stuff back home.

Speaking of drinks, I think they are better here all around. I had peach tea quite a few times here. And I've had two Coca-Cola's while I was here in Caen. That was a drink that I thought I'd never have again. I just don't like Coke. But, I decided to try one after some of the girls raved about it. And it is so good! We looked at the ingredient list and saw that there is no salt. Absolutely none! And real sugar. And a whole bunch of French words that we couldn't understand. But...the list was a LOT shorter than the ones on the cans in the US. Is this because France isn't required to list as much or is there more crap in the Coke back home?

Got to school early as usual and talked with Megan, Ann, and Mackenzie. And I had to rush to get my homework done with Megan because I forgot to do it. Ooops. It's fine. We never turned in anything...except twice during the first week.

Class was just going over the homework and then playing games, such as telephone. I didn't enjoy it very much, but it's fine. Whatever. And I'm not saying that because I'm a sore loser. No, really. I don't care that I lost all games. I didn't like it that everyone else were taking the games so seriously it was stupid. I was more irritated with my teammates being sore losers than losing. It's fine. It's done. 

Then, I rushed home in order to have lunch with Colette before she left for a party. My last time with Colette, since she is going to stay overnight and won't be home again until tomorrow afternoon. 

My host mom was so awesome. I was so lucky.

Then, I started packing a little. Around 2pm, I got back on the tram and met Megan and Ann again at school, where we had Coke and just talked. But, before they arrived, I took a picture of the building where I do most of my classes, just so you can see it:

It was built in 2011. And when they were laying the foundation, they found another bomb from WWII. Yep, they are still finding them in France today.

 Then, they went with me to shop for French scarves. And they had me try a Kebab for the first time, which was freakin' Awesome

After spending some more time together, we each went home, making plans to meet up again at our university when we are all back (since they are staying here in France longer than I am). 

I packed everything other than my computer and essentials for tomorrow morning. 

I have to say it: I can't wait to be "Back home again in Indiana..."

Okay, I'm done.    :)

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