
Monday, June 19, 2017

Caen Day 9

I don't do well in the heat. At all. Not even in Indiana. This. This is ridiculous.

So, this post will be a rant about the weather today. I give you permission to skip this one. Nothing fantastically wonderful is going to be said other than explaining why I am so hot. Correction: why the Americans are so hot here (and that's temperature, not the other meaning. I'm looking at my friends. They used to tease me at school. Always messing with me.)

It's different than the states. Why? Several reasons:

1. No Air Conditioning! See my facebook status today.
2. No fans                                                                                                                                

3. The fridges and freezers are even warm!

4. No ice water. No ice in anything, unless you order a slushy.

5. Hills. It's not flat here. So, you feel even more hot, because you walk everywhere. Uphill. (No, not both ways. I'm not using the line that my parents' generation and older uses. I just walk uphill to return to the the hottest part of the day)

6. I'm NOT USED TO IT ANYMORE!!!  I actually get sick of people (like my older siblings) who have no sympathy for me when I complain about the heat. They say "Oh, you don't know anything. We had to go to school without air conditioning!"

Uhhh....YES I DO!! I ALSO went to school with no AC for two years. TWO YEARS! As in first and second grade: those years when it's fun to run around outside, but then you go back inside and you think you're going to die of heat stroke. So, you lay down on the floor, because you don't care that there are dead and live bugs and things you don't want to think about beside you (or even under you) because the floor is the coldest part of the entire stinkin' school. I'm not that young. Quit acting like you are superior to me.

I would cry if it didn't make me hotter. Instead, I do my insane laugh. Can you hear it across the Atlantic? Yeah...that's me.

I đź’“Willis Carrier.

ie. inventor of air conditioning (! He was American! Doesn't that explain things?)

So, I'm not doing anything today, because of the heat. Neither are the other Americans. We can't stand it. (Not even Zac, from New Mexico). We just can't.

Talk to you tomorrow.

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