
Sunday, September 26, 2021

Unpacking Revelations

 I want to do one more last post about this trip. Then it'll probably be back to normal life again. I have to go in to work early tomorrow for various reasons. And I know myself: it's going to be a long, tiring first week back. 

Looking back at what you packed makes you realize what you didn't need and what you absolutely needed. I think I did pretty good this time around. Mom, however, packed quite a bit that we just didn't need. Yes, I said 'we': she packed extra hand sanitizer and other things we could both use. 

The top thing on my list that I didn't need was my extra pair of shoes. I wish I hadn't brought them. Everything else? I think I used it all at least once.

But what did I need and absolutely not go without? Well, I tell you, but keep in mind some of these are items that I need and maybe you wouldn't. So, here's 6 things Ally needs while traveling in France, not counting a phone, adapters, a converter, passport & other papers, money, and, you know, essentials like toothbrush and toothpaste, etc.

1. Scopolamine: 

The patch that gets me through the airplane flight. For those of you who also get REALLY motion sick, go ask your doctor to give you a prescription too. If you get a bit motion sick, maybe you should try over-the-counter stuff first, like dramamine. From personal experience, the dramamine that makes you sleepy is stronger and works better...but it doesn't work enough for me. 

2. Cough drops: 

Even if you don't have a cold or cough. Airplanes are just so dang dry. My throat hurt so bad and my nose was even dried out to the extent that I was wondering if and when I was going to get a nose bleed. Cough drops were a God-send after both plane rides there and back.

And if you don't like the thought of cough drops, I'd substitute mints. They are pretty good in a pinch too.

3. Wash cloths: 

I know not everyone uses them, some of my family members included, but if you use them, Take Them With You To France! There was only 1 hotel that had them. Repeat: Only ONE hotel had wash cloths. And if you can get a fast-drying kind, even better.

4. Zip-lock/plastic bags:

I am a huge fan of Zip-lock. 2 gallon bags, 1 gallon bags, and quart-sized. So, when you pack your clothes, roll them, don't fold them. Then, I put them 2 gallon bags (or 1 gallon if I run out or based on how I separate the clothes). For instance, I usually put all my socks and underwear in one bag. Then I try to put all my tops in another, etc. 

I also pack empty bags for dirty clothes, labeled of course.

Another bonus item to go with the Zip-lock bags for your clothes: dryer sheets in each bag. It keeps your clothes smelling fresh for a longer time. And you can use them if you need to wash and dry your clothes while your abroad. Or if you aren't gone too long, just use them when you get home.

5. Massage tools

What I mean is a yoga block and a hand massage tool. I'm not sure exactly what the tool is called. At Pilates class here at home, we call it "Antonio". And he is fabulous. Going along with the massage, pack enough lotion. 

And be sure to have someone certified in yoga or Pilates show you how to properly use them!

6. A travel My Pillow:

OMG, my new hero is Mike Lindell from the company My Pillow. Every hotel we stayed at had pillows that were either too flat or too fluffy. Nothing sturdy enough for me. But Mom & I each had a travel pillow from My Pillow and it made sleeping so much easier. The bonus feature of the travel pillows from this company is that they roll up in their pillow cases for easier packing!

That about sums it up. I think that covers the entire trip too. Thanks for reading my blog and keeping up with the adventure Mom & I had in northern France this year.

Next year, hopefully we'll be in Italy!

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