
Monday, September 13, 2021

Vacance Mere/Fille Day 4 (Sept 13th ) - Chartres, Chambord, Tours

Sept 13th we were up early and on the bus at 7:45. We went to Chartres first to see the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Chartres. Seeing a pattern yet? Yep, most of the cathedral are called "Notre Dame" -- meaning, they are dedicated to Our Lady.

Chartres is famous for being the first Gothic Cathedrals, having both Romanesque and Gothic characteristics. Romanesque churches were short and wide, while Gothics were the opposite. Gothics were also more ornament and taller, since new designs of these buildings (flying buttresses and the like) could keep the building weight distributed better. 

I am so glad Mom dragged me to Amiens to see their cathedral for comparison...and (besides the stained glass) Amiens is much prettier. Chartres stain glass, however, is still there and beautiful. 

Notice that the spires (towers) look totally different. The one on the right is Romanesque and the one on the left is Gothic.

You should also notice throughout my pictures that it is much darker in Chartres cathedral than Amiens because it is not as tall (Gothic) and open.

But the stained glass is gorgeous:


Chartres is also known for having a relic piece of the Virgin Mary's tunic/cloak:


All around the back of the alter is statues. This one is when Jesus was taken down from the cross:

Zoomed in on some stained glass:

The national school to learn to make stained glass is actually the building right beside the cathedral.

Next we headed to Chambord, where King Francis the 1st made a castle for himself. This castle wasn't for defense, but more like his hunting lodge. He brought Leonardo de Vinci with him from Italy to help him design some features and to let him paint. Leonardo spent the last four years of his life in France. We get to go see his grave today (Sept 14th).

Some pics around Chambord Castle:

 Mom & I decided not to spend the money to go on the inside. It has a double helix staircase to the top and we just went up hundreds of steps to Sacre-Coeur the day before. Plus we just wanted to relax and have lunch. 

Chambord is in the Loire Valley of France. They are known for their fruit. So, even though the strawberries were 4 euros a box, "When in Rome..."

And they were ABSOLUTELY delicious. No way were they Florida strawberries. I also got to try a Croque Monsieur  for the first time (a grilled ham and cheese sandwich) and Mom had a Baggette Chaude. 

Then we went to a place where they make wine. And I was tired and the smell of alcohol was overwhelming and it was just too much for me. And my social battery was wearing out. I couldn't turn my head without getting dizzy.

Afterwards, back to the hotel for a short hour rest and off to dinner at an Italian restaurant (French style). The cod was SO good. (We on the tour got to choose either lamb or cod.) 

Then we got back to the hotel and I quickly posted a blog.

Wow, I think I've caught up! I'll try to post about today's excursions tonight.

A plus tard!

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