
Sunday, September 18, 2022

Ciao, Italie!

If you haven't been told already, Mom and I are going over the pond to Italy tomorrow. 

I'm going to a country where I know practically nothing in terms of language. Dun, dun, dun...

 Couple of common questions I've been getting for this trip:

Yes: I am going to blog, if that wasn't obvious. It's how I keep track of places I have gone. While you may be reading this blog as we travel to know what we are doing (and maybe to make sure we are still safe), I read it months (or even years) after I get home when I talk about the trip in the future. Like "I know we went here, but did we do that the first week or the second? Was this here or over there?"

No, I'm not renaming my blog. I know it's "Flight to France" and I'm not going to France this time. I knew I was going to use this blog for all travels, and not just France, when I first named it. France will stay in the name as a tribute to being the first country I traveled to and the fact that I went alone that first time. 

By the way: I know most of the readers of this blog don't know French, but I had fun with the title of this post. "Ciao" is Italian for "Hello" or "Goodbye" and "Italie" is the French spelling of "Italy". I have to have fun.

As usual, I did not pack in advance. A friend of mine is already in Italy on her own tour and was going to pack the week of Labor Day...two weeks ago! It's like "Geez. You want to live out of a suitcase for how long?????" Actually, I didn't pack anything until today. My life has been really hectic and stressful this past week. Time to leave the country for a while (I guess).

And, of course, you're going to ask "Where in Italy are you going?" Answer: I don't really know. I mean, I know, but I don't. 

Okay, look: 

Back in 2017, I decided to study abroad in Caen, France (Normandy). When I got home, my mom said, "You need to take me to France now." I replied, "Fine, but you're taking me to Italy."

We decided that we were going to go on a huge vacation in Europe after I graduated college. This would include two weeks in France, a week in Italy, and a few days in Bruges, Belgium. 

I graduated college December 2019. We booked a tour for France and Italy; all paid for before I even graduated.

Enter Covid (or as my brother calls it, "THE Covid One-Niner-Alpha-Bravo).

Through the mess of having our travel agent rebook and reschedule things for us (we got the majority of our money back or the tours let us rebook/pick a different tour), we decided that we were going to go to just France as soon as we could, spending more time in places we wanted to go: Paris, our French tour, Amiens, Caen (with my host family), and Lisieux. Italy would wait for the next year.

Well, we went to France last September (2021).

It is now 2022. Time for my part of my graduation present. Three years late. Eh, whatever. 

I can't wait.

But I'm also a bit scared. I had the advantage of knowing enough French to comfortably survive.

I know:  

  • Ciao
  •  Buongiorno
  •  Buona notte
  • Roma
  • Buona sera
  • Grazie
  • Per favore
  • Il conto (Check please) 
  • Prego (you're welcome)
  • Spaghetti
  • Ravioli
  • Linguine
  • Cannoli 
  • Gelato
  • Si
  • NO

I guess I won't starve. 😄

Couple reminders:

Europe is 6 hours ahead of the US. Please don't call at midnight.

I'm not using cell data. Hotels have wifi. It's free. I'm cheap.

If you don't have an iPhone, you can message me or Mom on Facebook messenger or download What'sApp and text/call us with that.

Type to you in Rome.

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