
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Mackinac Day 2

If today had a title, I would probably say it is "Lilac Day," as Annie and I did all things lilac.

First off, we did, in fact, keep to our normal schedules. We were out of the room by 6 or 6:30. Since breakfast is not served until 7:00, we decided to go for a walk and take pictures. Annie was thinking that we could go shopping too, but it seems like every store is not opened until 9:00 ish. Very European. 

Morning pictures

The Metivier Inn, where we are staying:

The large bush in front of the house is, indeed, a lilac. Even though most of the blooms are gone, I can still smell them when I first walk outside.

Across the street:


Starting our walk down Market street:

The fort:


The public library:

The Mackinac Bridge in the distance:

At this point, we decided that we should head back for breakfast. Angie was getting very hungry. 

We had breakfast out on the front porch. Then we had more coffee and tea (guess who had which) on the porch. It was very bright and sunny and a bit too hot for me.

The other guests must not be early risers, because many came after we had finished and started being loud. One man got on speaker phone and seemed to be making a business call. We learned that he is only staying one more day (really, why would you do a speaker phone call?!). So, we decided to go to the back gardens. 

In order to go to the back gardens at the Bed and Breakfast, you have to go inside the house and walk up to the third floor (or second floor, if you are European). 

The back garden is very pretty, has lots of shade as it is in the west, and no one else was out there. We've decided that if we wake up tomorrow at the same time, Annie will do a workout in the room and I will come out here until breakfast to read.

Once it was late enough that shops were open, we went out on Market and Main street to do some shopping until 10:00. Once that time came around, we went over to the back of the Art Museum, where a free lilac walking tour was taking place. We learned all about different types of lilacs and went around with the tour guide as she showed us different types and their names. 


On the tour, I stopped and took this picture, which I'm particularly proud of:

This isn't a lilac, but a wisteria:

By this time in the tour, our tour guide lady was taking us to bonus locations that weren't on the original tour plan. Many people had left to go do other things...but it pays to stick around. She took us behind the "monastery" (to me, it looked more like a rectory), where stage 1 lilacs were still blooming. Lilacs are in 3 stages. The stages are for when the lilacs bloom. Stage 1 lilacs are the very large shrubs that bloom first. Stage 2 are the smaller shrubs that bloom second. Stage three are the lilac trees that are just beginning to bud on the island. Many of the stage 1 lilacs are done, except for in a few hidden spots, like behind the rectory where the wind doesn't blow as hard off the lake and they are protected.

She ended our tour at the Harbor View Inn, where one of the oldest lilacs on the island is out front:

Annie and I went up and around St. Anne's church to see the other lilacs around it:

Then it was time for lunch. Tony has been telling us where to eat...okay, he told us yesterday that we had to eat at the Yankee Rebel, and today he texted Angie to tell her that we needed to go to Millie's on Main. So, that's where we ended up:

I had the white fish chowder, because it sounded so good. And it was. Even though I was still pretty warm from walking so much. Angie had a sweet potato burger. Then we split a homemade Traverse City cherry cobbler that was so good.

Then I think we did a bit more shopping. We went back to our room to drop off our things and have a quick break. When I closed my eyes, all I could see was lilacs. Not complaining at all.

Afterwards, I wanted to take a carriage tour. I feel like my pictures from this morning were better than any I could've gotten on the tour. I also think there wasn't many picturesque things around. It was an okay tour. We heard about the horses, the governor's summer house, the Indians, the blacksmith, the state park, the caves, and a few other things. I feel like I didn't get as much history and personal stories about residents as I would've liked, but it was still good.

Here's the cemetery:

And we got to stop at the arched rock:

After the carriage tour, we headed back to the Inn, as it was getting really windy and dark out. Sure enough, as we sat on the porch for afternoon coffee/tea, it started raining. I was getting very hungry for dinner, so we went to the Mustang before it let all the way up. We texted Tony to find out where we should eat, but he never answered. Angie said we should eat at the Mustang, the Pink Pony, or the Irish Pub. I chose the Mustang. The food was really good, but the place smelled like...I don't know. I didn't like the smell inside. But it was a really good burger. Angie had tomato bisque soup that also smelled good.

Then a bit more shopping. Then we went back to our room for a break. I decided that I didn't need to do anything else today, so we're all done. 

Tomorrow, we are planning on spending time at the Grand Hotel.

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