
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Reason

It's amazing, but I have actually learned things before I have even left my hometown (going out-out-of-state for the plane ride). More specifically, I've learned that I want to go places. I've realized that I don't want to be stuck in the same place my whole life, as much as I love my home...that is, the little I've seen of it.

Actually, that's what's truly amazing: I haven't even seen all of my hometown! I already have plans now for when I get back from France to explore my own city, diocese, state, I'm tired of living day to day, week to week, year to year for school days, work days, "vacation"s where I either lie around or go to the exact same places I've been going for pretty much my entire life.

But, first things first. Why am I going to France? I mean, other than the French. Well, I'm not going for tourist attractions; although, I will (99% chance) probably be playing tourist around the country. Why not?! I am a tourist! AKA, not local.

But, hello?! There is more to France than the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame.

The place I'm most excited to be going is the city I'll be staying in...which is good, no? I want to learn history of Normandy and about the people living there. I want to experience new things without having other Americans over my shoulder complaining about how "those French people are so weird". Yes, we're different, okay? I get it! That is why I'm going! I want to experience different. i want to meet new people and see new places.

Y'all just stay home and let me explore the world, okay? Okay.

10 days until take off...

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